Normal Conditions of Bubbles in Urine

Here are some benign conditions that can cause urine to bubble.
Bubbles during Rapid Urination
Dehydration can cause people to urinate rapidly. If bubbles in urine are due to dehydration, increasing the level of hydration can help reverse this finding.
Bubbles due to Mild Dehydration

Mild dehydration can result in bubbles in urine. This occurs because mild dehydration causes the urine to concentrate and highly concentrated urine tends to bubble. Because people with diabetes are at high risk for dehydration, they may experience bubbles in their urine more often than those who do not have diabetes.
Bubbles during Pregnancy
During pregnancy some women experience kidney enlargement. This enlargement can result in urine that bubbles. When the amount of amino acids exceeds the renal tubules ability to absorb the acids, protein can escape into the urine. Protein in the urine can cause the urine to bubble.
Abnormal Conditions of Bubbles in Urine
There are times when bubbles in urine are indicative of medical disorders such as kidney disease or urinary tract infections. Here are some conditions that can cause frothy urine.



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