Black beans can tonify kidneys by diuresis and clearing toxins

Black beans have the effect of nourishing the spleen, water and detoxification, and have remarkable curative effect on the symptoms of edema, body deficiency, stroke and kidney deficiency. Black beans have long been regarded as a food and medicinal product because of its high protein and low calorie properties.
High protein and low heat
Black beans do not contain cholesterol, contain only one kind of plant sterol. They have the effect that inhibits the human body to absorb cholesterol, reduces the cholesterol content in the blood.
Black beans can tonify kidneys by diuresis and clearing toxins
Increase your energy
Beans are the valley of the kidney, black is water, water goes to the kidney, so black beans have more kidney function.
Improve anemia
Black bean extract can improve the body's absorption of iron, and the skin can improve the symptoms of anemia. The rehydration of black bean extract is achieved by the effect of the "iron toneme" in the body. Excessive activity of ferrotonin can lead to excessive reduction of iron in the blood, which in turn restricts the synthesis of red blood cells, which is one of the causes of anemia.



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Take care of the kidneys to comply with the four-point diet advice!

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