
目前显示的是 一月, 2018的博文

For nephritis patients, how to achieve the light diet?

Chronic nephritis is a disease that is long and easy to repeat. In the longer treatment, the daily diet is also very important in addition to taking the medicine on time. One: light diet does not mean no oil cooking. Many patients understand that a light diet is no cooking oil. In fact, the nutritional value of edible oil is very high, especially vegetable oil: Cooking oil is more essential to provide the body with essential nutrients and to promote the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. Vegetable oils contain a lot of unsaturated fatty acids, which have a good regulatory effect on blood lipids and cardiovascular diseases. If you do not eat cooking oil for a long time, it will lead to deficiency of fat-soluble vitamins and insufficient energy intake. Two: light diet does not equal to be a vegetarian. For people with   kidney disease , if you are a vegetarian, you will lack   protein . Lack of protein is a very dangerous thing. A chronic lack of health can pose a greater t

Is the Decreased urine volume a sign of kidney failure?

Clinically, many patients with   renal failure   have symptoms of oliguria, so is it an early sign of kidney failure? What should be paid attention to? In patients with nephropathy, there are symptoms of oliguria or no anuria, which may be caused by acute renal failure. Metabolic wastes such as   creatinine , urea nitrogen and creatine are mainly excreted in the body. In general, each person produces 35 grams of nitrogen waste per day, with 15ml of urine diluted per gram of waste. Therefore, the minimum effective urine volume per day should be 500ml. The higher the   protein   content, the greater the amount of urine needed to eliminate metabolic waste. When there is less urine, there is too much waste accumulation in the body to produce toxic symptoms. When being Chronic renal failure, kidneys have been severely damaged. The medication have to be reasonable. If drug cannot smoothly by urine, it also may be poisoning symptoms. Seventy percent of the drugs used in the cli

How to solve the itching skin for Kidney failure patients?

In winter, the weather is dry, and normal people often have itchy skin, especially in patients with   kidney disease . Kidney failure and   Uremia , it is easy to get calcium and phosphorus disorders, high blood phosphorus, and begin to itch. Phosphorus greatly affects the quality of life of patients with uremia. The anti-itch method is: 1. Low phosphorus diet Reduce the consumption of foods such as nuts and fish and shrimp. In addition, fewer snacks containing food additives, phosphorus in additives is inorganic phosphorus, which is much higher than the organic phosphorus content and absorption rate in fresh food. 2. Select long time   dialysis . The rate of phosphorus removal is similar to that of a kidney. But the kidneys work 24 hours a day, uremia patients with dialysis machine an average of only 1-2 hours a day, so you can choose long dialysis, appropriate to increase the number of dialysis time and, can improve the symptoms of itching. 3. Use of phosphorus lower

Why is the hormone not recommended to take?

Drugs are used to supplement some of the body's deficiencies. The hormone, in fact, is the adrenal cortex hormone secreted by the kidneys. When the kidneys are damaged, the ability to secrete hormones goes down. In order to maintain the hormone levels in the body, we need to supplement them with drugs. Why is it difficult to get rid of hormone? The thalamus is responsible for maintaining the hormone levels in the body, and if the hormone levels drop, it orders the adrenal cortex to secrete hormones; And vice versa. When we raise the hormone levels in the body through drugs, the hypothalamus, in order to maintain the hormone levels in the body, orders the adrenal cortex to stop producing the hormone. Over time, the thalamus believes that even if the adrenal cortex does not secrete hormones, it can maintain the body's hormone levels. So when the hormone is reduced, the inflammatory response can't be suppressed once the hormone levels are not maintained. Infl

Four foods are catalysts for kidney disease, and don't eat any more

4 kinds of food are very bad kidney, better not eat. Stimulating food. If the renal function is in a stable stage, the indicators are controlled well, there is no obvious symptoms, there is no history of allergy, and can eat stimulating food properly. But if you are in the stage of nephritis, there is inflammation in the kidney, which is not obvious. If you can control it, the chances of developing uremia are very small. In order to avoid any accidents, it is better to eat less or not to eat stimulating foods. Foods high in fat and cholesterol. Long-term consumption of foods high in fat and cholesterol can cause hypertension, hyperlipidemia, obesity and other conditions, which further harm the kidney. Foods with a lot of potassium. serum creatinine and reaction is an important indicator of renal function, creatinine slightly higher stage of nephritis patients may exist, to avoid exacerbating, staying away from high potassium foods: such as citrus, persimmon, kiwi f

These 7 behaviors lead to swelling!

Edema is a partial or systemic swelling caused by water accumulation in the extracellular fluid of the body. Edema is usually caused by a kidney or heart disease. However, in daily life, some behaviors can cause swelling, such as: 1. The body needs to drink plenty of boiled water when the body absorbs the heavy food. Edema occurs when the body does not properly discharge water. 2. A person who stays up late and has a stressful job will slow down the body's metabolism and cause swelling. 3. When the body is cold, the blood circulation is poor, and then there is swelling. 4. Some 20 to 40 years old women, the morning eyes, face appear a mild swelling, lower limbs with pitting edema. 5. People work in high temperature and the fat body and no activists, affected by the environment of high temperature in the summer, the skin vascular proliferation, fluid infiltration and accumulation in the subcutaneous tissue, often on the hands, feet and edema. 6. Long standing, walki

Does proteinuria and hematuria cause uremia?

Many people know that   kidney disease   can lead to proteinuria and hematuria, so many people feel that their conditions are serious when they have proteinuria or hematuria. The significance of proteinuria in renal function. The leakage of proteinuria indicates that renal filtration function declines, but the amount of   urine protein   does not reflect the severity of kidney disease. For example, minor lesion type   Nephritis   and mild mesangial proliferative nephritis, kidney disease is mild, but daily urine protein amount can reach a few grams or even a dozen grams. For most primary nephritis, the risk of renal function progression is small if 24h of urine protein falls below 0.5g/ day. The significance of hematuria in renal function. In the urine test, besides looking at whether the blood is positive, you should also pay attention to the number of red blood cells in the urine. Note that changes in the color of urine caused by non-nephrotic factors, such as fruit

The top eight tips to prevent nephritis

The top eight tips to prevent   nephritis blood pressure Some men also show   High blood pressure   when their kidney compensatory ability. The color of urine does not definitely represent health. We usually think of hematuria as the color of red or meat washing, but this is mostly because of urinary tract infections. The hematuria of latent nephropathy is usually microscopic hematuria. Eye - face   edema The edema of nephritis is usually eyelid edema, the most common after getting up in the morning. Only 15% association between Acute and chronic . Only 15 to 20 percent of latent nephritis is converted from acute nephritis. Most occult nephritis is not a one-to-one relationship with acute nephritis. This nephritis may be associated with infection, immune mechanisms, and so on. Avoid medications with kidney damage. Avoid all kinds of drugs that can damage your kidneys, including the external use of hormone. Actively prevent acute attack. Occult nephritis does no

How to improve the immunity for the kidney patients?

After a night of sleep, the first drink in the morning is the key to health. When people sweat too much, they can drink a little salty water to supplement their water and electrolytes. While drink a cup of light brine in the morning, the amount of sodium in your body will definitely increase. Over time, it can lead to hypertension , kidney disease or osteoporosis. Get up early and drink some honey water or boiled water. Honey water can replenish energy and eliminate fatigue and hunger. For the person that often constipation, might as well choose to drink honey water in the morning, which can alleviate the symptom of constipation. The sugar in honey is mainly glucose and fructose, and a small amount of cottonseed maltose, etc. The total sugar content accounts for more than 95% of the dry matter of honey, so it is not suitable to drink before going to bed every night. The monosaccharide in honey has obvious superiority compared with ordinary sucrose, and the pure sucro

Beware of high potassium food

Potassium has important physiological functions in human body. The concentration of normal blood potassium is between 3.5 and 5.5mmol/L, when the blood potassium content is higher than 5.5. Mmol /L is called hyperkalemia. In normal conditions, 80 to 90 percent of potassium is excreted by the kidneys. But when kidney function is abnormal, pay attention to the serum potassium concentration. Its major clinical manifestations are showing in cardiovascular system symptoms and neuromuscular system, with the increase of potassium concentration in the body, limb weakness, bosom frowsty, blood pressure decline, lethargy and other symptoms. Potassium is basically eaten from food. Therefore, to control the potassium, besides taking the medicine on time, you should also pay more attention to the diet, especially the foods with high potassium content should be eaten less. In addition to choosing food, try to avoid using potassium-rich foods. Some tips can also help remove some of th

Can nephritis drink alcohol?

Many men still drink after getting nephritis. It is a setback for the recovery of nephritis. So what should be paid attention to in the diet of nephritis patient? Prolonged drinking can lead to anemia and platelet dysfunction and various bleeding. It can also cause hyperlipidemia, atherosclerosis and so on. Drinking alcohol is not good for the recovery of   kidney disease . In addition, drinking alcohol can also harm the kidneys, which can affect the nitrogen balance of the body, increase the breakdown of   protein , and increase the amount of urea nitrogen in the blood, which inevitably increases the burden of the kidneys. Sweets must be banned: It is best not to eat fruit if your blood sugar control is bad. Pickled products must be banned. The preserved food contains a lot of carcinogens, which can not only cause cancer, but also damage the kidneys. Don't eat spicy food, Such as wine, tea, coffee, etc., various spicy condiments. Eat less salt In the absence of

The excruciating symptoms of uremia patients without effective treatment

It is going to have few processes to develop into uremia. There are some excruciating symptoms of uremia patients without effective treatment. Hope the following will urge the patients to timely review, regularly reexamination and control the disease early. Sleep disorders It may be caused by the rise of blood phosphorus and blood urea nitrogen. In patients with high blood phosphorus, calcium carbonate and calcium acetate can be applied. If the blood calcium is high, avoid it. Restless legs syndrome. Restless legs are common, but not known to most people. It is characterized by the feeling of discomfort in the leg, or the pain and constriction of an ant, as well as the urge to swing a leg, which can be improved by exercising. Itching Itching can be caused by inadequate   dialysis , application of low flux dialyzer, hepatitis c virus (HCV) HCV positive, high calcium, phosphorus, low serum albumin, high ferritin, current or recent smoking, age, etc. There are also cases

A new perspective of the introduction for serum creatinine

Blood creatinine is a metabolic product that needs to be excreted by the kidneys, which reflects the level of renal function to a certain extent. But it has little toxicity in itself. Actually, creatinine is not definitely causing symptoms of   uremia , threat renal patients quality of life and long-term survival. To some extent, not even creatinine is representative of the small molecule toxins, but those who hide behind the creatinine in macromolecule toxins. After hemo dialysis , a test of creatinine is sure to come down. For example, in the case of a kidney friend with uremia, before dialysis, the blood creatinine was 800umol/L, and the creatinine was reduced to 300umol/L after dialysis. In addition, for long-term dialysis patients, the blood creatinine also reflects the nutrition of the kidney friends to a certain extent. Only good nutrition, muscle mass recovery of the kidney friend creatinine will be high. In this sense, higher blood creatinine is not a bad thing.

Four key points for Kidney disease treatment and prognosis !

Prevent   kidney function   from getting worse. It is important to know that the renal function examination is a late indicator. Only the renal function damage is very serious and the indicators will be beyond the normal range. If use coercive means to control the urine   protein , edema, it can only cover up the symptoms, increase treatment difficulty. Believe in the combination of Chinese and western medicine. The true combination of Chinese and western medicine is to take Chinese or western medicine into consideration when developing a treatment plan. Adopt a scientific attitude and make a reasonable treatment plan according to the patient's condition. Patients should not blindly trust western medicine or traditional Chinese medicine. Rehabilitation is important. Patients with nephropathy must undergo regular examinations during their rehabilitation. If there is an abnormality, it should be treated promptly. Dietary therapy. Food therapy is very useful for t

What is the renal edema? What are the characteristics of renal edema?

The body edema caused by renal dysfunction is called renal edema. The characteristic of renal edema is that edema first occurs in the area of loose tissue, and it is clinically concave and swollen. What are the causes of renal edema? Renal edema mainly has two causes: one is a decline in glomerular filtration, while the renal tubular reabsorption of sodium to water is good, which leads to sodium water storage to slip. It is often associated with the increase of blood capillary permeability of the whole body, so the organization clearance moisture storage to slip, mainly seen in   nephritis . Another reason is that a large number of   proteinuria+   results in low plasma protein levels. How is the nephrotic edema patients diet principle? The specific principle is: the daily salt intake of patients with severe edema should be 1.7~2.3 grams. The daily salt intake of patients with mild to moderate edema is 2.3~2.8 grams. In addition to low-salt diets, severe edema accompanied

Do u know sleep can help to tonify kidney Qi?

If poor sleep will affect the quality of daily life and work. At the same time, organs cannot get sufficient rest, will cause the neurasthenia, the endocrine disorder,   blood pressure   and   blood glucose , depression, etc. Missing the normal sleep time would affect the normal growth of Yin and Yang qi. It is the best time of the day when the human body is "Yin". Falling asleep before the time is good for nourishing Yin. At noon, from 11 to 13, it is the time when the human body is "yang", when the sun is at its peak, and the nap is conducive to yang. It takes only 30 minutes to nap. Even if you can't sleep at this time, you should keep your eyes closed, so as to facilitate the normal transition of Yin and Yang qi. It is the main principle of the children to sleep at noon and take a nap at noon. In addition to falling asleep on time, there are other ways to improve your sleep quality. Proper meditation and walking before bed can slow down the rhythm

If having urine protein and edema simultaneously, which one is needed to treat first?

You need to deal with edema first! The reasons are as follows: First, edema can cause heart failure and pulmonary edema. Second, patients with nephropathy have basically used western medicine hormone therapy, and while the hormone is dealing with the disease, it also causes water and sodium retention, which further aggravates the appearance of edema. And treat urine protein later, the edema will be more severe. So how do you eliminate the high edema? The diuretic. The single use of diuretics really can realize the purpose of the drainage detumescence, but relatively low plasma albumin in patients with renal edema. Colloid osmotic pressure imbalance has occurred, the moisture inside the blood vessels will be much less, leading to the normal diuretic effect very difficult to play. The choice of high - quality protein diet to increase the plasma albumin method. It takes too long to deal with edema! So the best way to edema is to enter the artificial protein. The input o

Six years, due to bad control, the diabetes develops into uremia!

Diabetes finally developed to uremia only six years, making the 62-year-old Mr. Hu this year become a person who lives on hemo dialysis . Hematopoiesis is a high requirement for blood vessels, and in diabetics, the degree of systemic atherosclerosis is more pronounced than in non-diabetic patients with uremia. Six years ago, Mr. Hu discovered that his blood sugar was high and was soon diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Due to poor blood glucose control, it was further diagnosed as type 2 diabetes mellitus, five stages of sugar and kidney - uremia, Anemia , heart failure, and retinopathy. Diabetes has a high incidence of uremia. How can early detect diabetic nephropathy ? 1. Diabetics need to regularly monitor urine routine or microalbuminuria. 2. Treatment. Control your blood sugar.: Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) should be kept below 7.0%! Diet therapy. In the early days, the protein intake should be limited to 0.8g/ (kg·d), and those with a large number of proteinuria

Be careful of these five creatinine false "drop" !

Kidney patients have always thought that creatinine elevation is a sign of decreased renal function, but there are some ways that creatinine will false decrease. 1. during detection. Some substances, called hydroxybenzene sulfonate, are added to the test of creatinine levels, which would make the false creatinine decrease. 2. Do not exercise or just vegetarian . In general, people will increase their creatinine after exercise and often eat meat, which is the normal reaction of the body. Therefore, if you cut down on meat intake and exercise less, your creatinine values will decrease. 3. Taking drugs to increase the secretion of renal tubules. Some drugs will increase the secretion of the renal tubule after taking, the body creatinine excretion will increase, the detection of blood creatinine will also decrease! 4.Drink water and drip. If the kidney patients often drip or drink a lot of water, the creatinine value will also temporarily decrease. Therefore, the renal

Dietary attention for the most patients with nephritis:

1. Patients with nephritis are forbidden to drink wine, tea and coffee, and spicy condiments such as Onions, garlic, ginger, mustard, pepper and other spices; And soy products, animal innards and thick chicken soup, broth, etc., Fried food is the food that patients with chronic nephritis cannot eat. Because these foods are more likely to cause the deterioration of   kidney disease . 2. nephritis patients with   high blood pressure   and swelling phenomenon, should pay attention to control the intake of salt, to give a low salt or salt-free diet. The specific food with much salt are: salt, soy sauce, tomato sauce, vinegar and other common ingredients. There are also a lot of sodium salt in canned foods, which are not edible when they are swollen and high blood pressure. 3. When the patients with nephritis have high   creatinine , they cannot eat the food with potassium ion content, such as shiitake, mustard, cabbage, spinach, tomato, orange, etc., and avoid raw vegetables.

Four signals that your blood is too thick, further damaging heart, brain, kidney and so on.

Clinically, blood viscosity is more than normal, known as "hyperviscosity". The harm of high viscous hematic disease, would damage important organs such as heart, brain, lung, and kidney blood supply, causing ischemia hypoxia, which can lead to coronary heart disease, cerebral infarction,   Renal failure , aggravation of obstructive lung disease. How to determine blood viscosity? 1. Dizziness in the morning People with high blood viscosity are generally listless in the morning and high spirit at night. 2. Sleepy after lunch. The blood circulation accelerates after lunch, the blood viscosity high, and the brain blood supply is insufficient. 3. Have difficulty in breathing. People with high blood viscosity are more likely to be obese. These people have difficulty in squatting. 4. Paroxysmal vision blurred. Normal eyesight still can, occasionally vision can be blurred. This is common in older people. Old people are mostly high blood viscosity, blood circ

What is the diet principle for the kidney patients?

The diet of kidney disease is very important to the patient's recovery, especially old people, so, how should the diet of nephrosis be carried out? Here is a way to teach people about the diet of people with kidney disease. The diet of patients with kidney disease. 1. Do not drink the stimulant beverage, drink less cola and other sugary drinks. Because the high sugar in this kind of beverage has no benefit to the body. 2. The diet and alcohol should not be eaten. Because these foods do not have the effect of nourishing the kidneys, they also cause additional burden on the kidneys. Alcohol not only damages the liver, but also affects the kidneys. 3. The best way to supplement protein is to eat high-quality protein such as fish, eggs and milk. It can be used to ensure that the body's nutritional needs do not cause an additional burden on the kidneys. 4. The diet of elderly patients with Nephrotic syndrome should be low in sodium, which can reduce the burden

Does the normal kidney function indicate the recovery of nephropathy?

There are many kidney patients focus on the renal function indexes, and they believe, if the indexes are normal, the kidney disease has completely recover. So what are the renal function indexes referring to ? In medicine, the changes in renal function are measured by the use of urine microscopy and chemical examination, as well as certain chemical examinations of the blood. Renal function tests include blood creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, blood and urine, beta 2 - microglobulin, urine albumin, urinary immunoglobulin G, urinary secretion immunoglobulin A, etc. At present, the most common renal function examination method is the determination of serum urea nitrogen and creatinine level, and these two indicators in the renal unit are damage by about 50%. In other words, normal kidney function is not indication the well kidney. In fact, only the kidney damage exceeds 50 percent to lose the ability to compensate for the symptoms of renal failure. At the same time, the ki

Why are there much protein loss in kidney patients? And there are treatment for it

Our normal urine contains a small amount of protein. Normal urine routine examination can not be detected. Urinary protein is a common manifestation of   kidney disease , and if there is a serious leakage of protein, the kidney is damaged. The most common is glomerular proteinuria, which is due to increased plasma protein permeability due to glomerular filtration membrane. It is found in multiple primary or secondary glomerulo Nephritis . It is due to renal ischemia, poisoning, and immunopathologic damage that damage the integrity of the filtration membrane or decrease because of the attenuation of the membrane charge barrier. So how to avoid it continual leaking? The first step is to control the leakage of the protein, which requires repairing the damaged kidney and improving the glomerular filtration function. The key is to figure out the kidney damage and the cause of the leak. The   urine protein   components need to be examined to determine the protein leakage. The

Creatinine rises to a thousand, but do not need dialysis!

Although the creatinine is more than 707 umoI/L being considered   uremia , but the key to dialysis is not simply the value. It's the volume of the kidney, the amount of urine and the complications. 1. Renal volume. When nephropathy really develops to uremia, the volume of the kidney will be severely reduced, and 80 percent of the kidney will atrophy. So if you have a normal size of kidney, even if your creatinine value is over a thousand, you don't need dialysis. Because most of the creatinine is caused by other factors, like   high blood pressure , infection, drug damage. 2. The amount of urine The urine volume of normal people should be about 2000~3000ml, and the urine volume is below 400ml, which is called "little urine". Under 100ml, it is referred to as "no urine". Normal urine output means that the glomerular filtration function and the reabsorption function of the renal tubule are not seriously damaged. 3. Complications The complic