Do you know how to reduce dialysis times?

For dialysis patients, it is normal to dialysis three times a week. But some Uremia patients privately reduce dialysis times, then appearing vomiting, body itching, heart disease.
How serious are the consequences of private reducing dialysis times?
Researchers at the University of Sheffield and Northern General Hospital in the US published a study in the Journal Kidney International, studying a follow-up of 5864 hemodialysis patients over a period of 7 years to reveal the relationship between dialysis interval and dialysis risk.

European patients dialysis on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, the highest mortality rate is on Saturday, while Japan patients dialysis on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, the highest mortality rate is on Friday. Two days after Friday (or Saturday), the death rate increases by about 30%. The death rate increases by 1/3, so how to reduce dialysis times?
1. Reduce dialysis interval
2. Use other methods to reduce the accumulation of body fluids and biochemical substances. Both kidneys, feet, and sweat glands can remove the accumulations, especially kidneys.
Uremia patients generally remain about 5% of the detoxification function, can still discharge body fluids and biochemical substances. Then through our traditional Chinese treatment, the function can be improved a little to gradually reduce the dialysis times.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to consult our online doctors or leave us a message.
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