How did the disease develop from asymptom to renal failure?

How did the disease develop from asymptom to renal failure?
Ten years ago, physical examination showed Xiao Chao had urine foam, dizzy, vomiting and high blood pressure. He thought it was due to busy work, so paid no attention.
Another time he went to the hospital because of swollen eyes. There was proteinuria++ plus, and Xiao Chao thought it is due to long-term staying up late. He didn’t realize the seriousness until the occurrence of body swelling. The protein and occult blood in the urine were plus 3, then doctor suggested him to take biopsy and medicate some hormones. But it had no clear improvement after taking hormone for one year and a half. During the period, the indexes were always fluctuation.

Six months ago, the review examination showed that the serum creatinine was 400umol/l, an increased uric acid, kidney atrophy.
In this year, Xiao Chao found that when discovering the protein, occult blood, edema people should pay more attention. Though it is a small symptom, it should not be ignored, but to go to the hospital to do a specific check to confirm if it would influence the health of the organ.
The case is to tell us that we need to take a timely diagnosis and treatment. If you have any questions, please to consult our online doctors or leave us a message.



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