How to deal with side effects of Western medicine?

Immunosuppressive agents are widely used in the treatment of kidney diseases, however, the same as the immunosuppressive hormone, will have a side effect on the human body, over time causing lifelong harm.
Take cyclophosphamide as an example, long term use or injection of cyclophosphamide patients may be associated with hemorrhagic cystitis, hair loss, liver damage, etc. Young patients who have not been born may also appear menstrual disorders, fine or even less. In addition, cyclophosphamide is not suitable for pregnant women or both prepared for pregnancy. Almost all the above side effects exist in all immunosuppressive agents.

Other drugs such as tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil, may also increase the risk of skin cancer; Although cyclosporine has not been shown to cause cancer, hyperkalemia, anemia, gout, HBP and other side effects can also cause irreversible damage to the kidneys.
In this case, the advantages of the combinative therapy based on TCM get more obvious. Patients should reduce the use of hormones and immunosuppressive agents, increase the application of the effective TCM micro penetration which would balance the proportion of Chinese and Western medicine. So patients will no longer need to feel alarmed medical tests.
If you have any questions, you could consult our online doctors or leave us a message.



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