How to prevent IGA from occurrence?

IGA nephropathy is one of the most common primary glomerular diseases, accounting for 30% - 40% of primary glomerular disease in China. In recent years, it shows a gradual upward trend of the occurrence of IgA. 15% - 40% of patients would eventually develop to end-stage renal disease (Uremia) before being found due to the latent onset. So what should we do to prevent IgA?
Prevent exogenous infections
IgA nephropathy is often induced by infectious diseases like respiratory infections, tonsillitis, and IgA further leads to or aggravates the disease, so patients should prevent cold.

Control acid intake
The body fluids belong to acidic environment, will not only neutralize the alkaline minerals, trace elements, but also accelerate the formation of a variety of kidney disease. Acidic constitution is more likely to induce renal dysfunction. Dietary acid-base balance is important in the treatment of IgA and prevention and treatment of complications, we should eat more foods rich in organic active alkali, more vegetables, less meat.
Avoid smoking and drinking
Smoking can cause HBP, lipid metabolism disorders, and increase the contraction of small arteries. All these factors can aggravate renal damage. Drinking can affect the nitrogen balance, increase the decomposition of protein, result in increased blood urea nitrogen, which will inevitably lead to kidney disease.
Strike a proper balance between work and rest
Over exertion, strenuous exercise, will increase blood urine. Patient should have a regular life, maintain optimism, do more exercise in order to exclude excess acidic substances through urine, thereby effectively prevent IgA nephropathy.
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