How to reduce the urine protein?

Q: My father’s urine protein is 3 +, but other indicators are normal, i wonder to know how to treat his condition.

A: Western medicine often apply hormone therapy in the treatment of proteinuria. The majority of patients after eating hormone, their protein would turn negative a period of time, but when withdrawing the hormone, the protein would appear again.
Based on modern Chinese medicine, TCM penetration therapy can make the medicine effect more quickly. The following are the benefits of TCM penetration therapy.

1. A significant increase in drug activity: The same amount of drugs are decomposed into micro level by high intensive ultrasonic cavitation technology, and its concentration will increase by 3 ~ 4 times and release highly effective pharmaceutical ingredients. Meanwhile, the biological activity of TCM is also greatly improved, and its therapeutic efficacy can fully play.
2. A significant enhancement of drug penetration: The outermost kidney fiber membrane is composed of densely connective tissue and a small amount of elastic fibers, thick and tough, with the protection of renal function, TCM can not break this barrier, so many effective drugs are blocked out of the barrier. While TCM osmotherapy will make full use of micro particles and the active characteristics, making the drug directly to the kidney, and improving the efficiency of drug supply for thousands of times, to achieve a rapid cure. The most important is that the process takes only 2 hours to complete.
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