TCM: Scent moxibustion therapy
Scent moxibustion is a new method. The therapy introduces some drugs with fragrance and penetration into moxibustion and combines the acupuncture. It can drive the toxins, eczema, cold and disease out of body by warming the clogged arteries and Tongmai. It can promote qi to activate blood to balance yin and yang, ying and wei, qi and blood, chills and fever. It can also remove the stasis.
It needs two moxibustion therapy treatments per day. The therapy can be completed by artificial moxibustion or full-automatic intelligent moxibustion bed. Seven-day is for a short course, forty-nine-day for a great course.
This therapy can bring many good results, such as enhanced resistance and appetite, fatigue reduction, improved sleep, increased hemochrome and increased urine volume .
Article by : Treatment of kidney failure
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