Three methods to easily eliminate kidney toxins

Detoxification is essential to human body due to each organ can produce a lot of toxins. All the produced toxins pass through kidneys, and whole body blood would pass through kidneys 20 times per hour. Once there is too much toxins, it will increase the burden on kidneys, leading to deterioration of renal function.
There are three methods to easily eliminate kidney toxins.
Drinking water

The best time to detox is 5 to 7 in the morning. Not timely discharge of toxins would accumulate in kidneys, stuck together to form kidney stones, so drinking water is a very effective method of detoxification. Drinking fresh water can also regulate body temperature, lubricate joints and muscles, and promote digestion.
Vegetable & Fruit

Kidneys filter the toxins in blood and waste decomposed by protein, and then excret in the urine. Therefore, diuretic and tonifying food can enhance the detoxification function, such as the natural medicine food like cucumber, cherry, wax gourd, yam and so on.
Less protein intake to detoxification

Excess protein increases the acidity of the urine, and the purine coefficient in the urine, and the risk of urinary stones. Moreover, regular consumption of meat with high protein would cause Regular consumption of meat with high protein, blood creatinine, uric acid increased blood creatinine and uric acid.
Detoxification is to remove the nitrite products, excretion of toxins in lymph, blood and tissue fluid, as well as harmful inorganic salts substances to maintain internal environment stability.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to consult our online doctors or leave us a message.
Article by : Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital



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