What are the common factors that make kidney disease worse?

1, poor primary disease control
Some kidney diseases are caused by the gradual deterioration of other diseases. For example, diabetic nephropathy, lupus Nephritis, allergic purpura nephritis, etc. If blood sugar is poorly controlled, lupus activity and repeated allergic reactions will definitely affect the development of kidney disease.
A sustained increase in blood pressure can cause damage to the body's major organs, and the kidney is one of the most severely damaged organs. High blood pressure will have a lasting and long-lasting effect on the kidneys.
What are the common factors that make kidney disease worse?
3, a lot of proteinuria
Proteinuria is an independent factor of kidney damage, but simply leaking protein can cause damage to the kidneys.
4, drug damage
Some medicines have strong nephrotoxicity. Some medicines are mainly metabolized by the kidneys, which increases the burden on the kidneys. Therefore, the kidney friends must look carefully when they choose drugs, and consult a professional doctor before using them.
5, infection, allergy
Infection is the most likely cause of aggravation and recurrence of kidney disease. Kidney friends must pay more attention to this aspect because of their low immunity.
6, did not review in time



Normal Conditions of Bubbles in Urine

Take care of the kidneys to comply with the four-point diet advice!