What are the adverse symptoms of urine occult blood 1+?

What are the adverse symptoms of urine occult blood 1+?
Many kidney patients want to know about the adverse symptoms of occult blood 1+. There are a lot of adverse symptoms of urinary occult blood 1+, mainly including the following aspects:

Hematuria and renal colic are the main symptoms of kidney or ureteral calculi;
Hematuria and urinary disruption occur in bladder and urethral calculi;
Hematuria with urinary flow is thin and dysuria in prostatitis, prostate cancer;
Hematuria with frequent micturition often manifest in cystitis and urethritis, accompanied with pain, and fever chills may be pyelonephritis;
Hematuria is associated with edema, hypertension, proteinuria+ and glomerular nephritis;
Hematuria associated with renal mass, unilateral tumor, hydronephrosis and renal cyst; Bilateral enlargement is seen in congenital Polycystic kidney disease, and the mobility of the kidney is most present in renal ptosis or wandering kidney;
Hematuria associated with hemorrhage of skin, mucous membranes and other parts of the body are seen in blood disease and other infectious diseases;
Hematuria associated with chyluria is present in filariasis, chronic pyelonephritis.

Article by:http://www.sjzhospital.com/faq/2664.html



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