You should be alert when appear this rash!

You should be alert when appear this rash!
Present as purplish red, usually in limbs.
Symmetry, hemorrhagic rash. It does not fade by pressing;
Have a clear boundary. Sometimes it will be merged into a large range.

The above symptoms are purpura. And the typical purpura occurs in both lower extremities. It would not fade by pressing. While the general allergic rash is congestive, fade if being pressed.

Some are benign, self limiting process, if not treated, symptoms usually subside after about 1 month. The others will have a chronic development, damage organ, which needs drug control, in order to avoid kidney failure and other serious diseases. If no purpura subsided, recommend the use of Chinese medicine to eliminate skin purpura, regulating immunity to recover. When urine protein is greater than 1g, you need to combine traditional Chinese and Western medicine treatment.
There are some typical performance which can help to pay more attention.
Gastrointestinal manifestations: The most common symptom is stomach pain, mostly around the navel and lower abdomen. And sometimes it would appear nausea and vomiting, black stool, beware of bleeding.
Arthropathy: it is common to involve ankle and knee joints, appearing joint pain or swelling.
Kidneys performance: under the normal circumstances, after 4 to 8 weeks of the occurrence of the rash, there would be renal lesions. Simple urine routine would detect hematuria and proteinuria++.



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