Excessive supplement of vitamin would cause nephropathy

Appropriate vitamin supplement is good for your health, but if take too much, it will damage your health.
There used to be a child who was fed with excessive vitamin D. After taking nine months, he suffered eyelids edema. Then after accurate detection and diagnosis, the child's calcium content is seriously overweight, causing kidney stones and accompanied by minor nephritis.

If kids’ day take excessive vitamin every day, for a few weeks or months later, they can appear anorexia, nausea, thirst, polyuria, protein and red blood cells in urine. If not stopped timely, they may die due to hypercalcemia and Renal failure.
In addition, in relatively high temperatures, reduced kids activity and decreased drinking water are also associated with kidney stones, and kidney stone also easy to cause nephritis.
The absorption and utilization of vitamins have a balanced and uniform relationship in the human body. Excessive intake of certain vitamins, it is bound to affect the absorption and efficacy of other vitamins, resulting in disease.
If you have any questions, you could consult our online doctors or leave us a message!
Article by : Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital



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