How to prevent diabetic renal failure?

Early symptoms of diabetic nephropathy, diagnosis, and if not treated, the condition of diabetic nephropathy can progress to kidney failure and even progressive uremia!
Therefore, how to effectively avoid the occurrence of renal failure, diabetes, many patients have become issues of concern.
Clinical diabetic nephropathy divided into five, namely, glomerular filtration period, resting period, microalbuminuria stage, clinical stage, and renal failure.

the second phase, the protein in the urine after exercise, increased displacement, glomerular structural damage;
the third period, continuous trace protein and blood in urine, which is diagnostic of diabetes an early indicator of kidney disease, diabetic nephropathy is the first three early. Once massive proteinuria++ appeared, which entered the fourth stage of clinical diabetic nephropathy, the progress of kidney disease can only be delayed, not stopped.
Into the fifth, the clinical symptoms and further increased, anemia, electrolyte imbalance and acid-base balance, and even uremic brain dysfunction and eventually died of uremic coma, infection, heart failure and cardiovascular vascular accident.



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