Swollen Feet of nephropathy

The swelling happens because the kidneys leak a lot of protein in the urine, which is also called Proteinuria.Not a few FSGS patients suffer from swollen feet. Do you know how to treat it?
Albumin helps keep fluid in the blood. Under gravity, fluid goes to the lower limbs, leading to swollen feet.Fluid moves between the blood and the body’s soft tissues, and when there is not enough albumin in the blood, fluid stays in the soft tissues.
Steroids suppress the immune system. They can help you reduce protein leakage so as to relieve swollen feet. Besides, diuretics may be used together to remove excess fluid out of body.
If you do not want it to recur often, Toxin-Removing Treatment is a good choice for you. It is a combination of a series of Chinese medicine, such as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, etc.
Article URL :http://www.tcmkidneydisease.com/faq/810.html



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