The fibrosis process to uremia

In kidney disease, the field of kidney disease also shine, with the break causes a powerful theoretical weapon for Uremia renal fibrosis.
1, when a variety of pathological damage (primary or secondary injury) led to partial damage to the kidney microcirculation, promote the kidney (renal function units) ischemia and hypoxia.
2, renal capillary endothelial cells, once damaged, it will attract the blood circulation in inflammatory cell infiltration, and release of inflammatory mediators of disease.
3, At this point the pathological damage is caused by damage to kidney inflammation. Glomerular pathological changes at this time there will be local
4, he ECM generation continue to increase, thereby undermining the kidneys maintain the dynamic balance of ECM synthesis and degradation mechanisms
5, the factor-induced renal toxicity can lead to renal cells (mesangial cells, epithelial cells, fibroblasts) of the phenotype.
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