The kidneys can decide the hair quality!

According to TCM, the decline of kidney qi would cause hair loss and early white. Neurasthenia and liver blood loss would result in the metabolic disorder or kidney injury, induce premature senility and kidney deficiency, early hair loss and white, hair withered and yellow bifurcated, nephritis, nephropathy, etc.
It is about 90% of premature graying due to kidney deficiency.
The kidney stores the essence, and the essence gives birth to blood. The essence would turn to blood to provide nutrition for hair. Enough kidney essence would make the hair perform as thick, soft and bright. On the contrary, insufficient kidney essence would cause hair rare, withered, not gloss.
Therefore, hair growth has a direct relationship with liver and kidney and Qi and blood.
Hair loss patients are mostly deficiency in liver and kidney, Qi and blood deficiency;
The deficiency of Qi and blood can lead to aging, which can be manifested by external alopecia;
Sudden mental stimulation or long-term mental pressure can also cause blood, liver and kidney deficiency and hair loss.
If you have any questions, you could consult our online doctors or leave us a message!
Article by : Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital



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