Uremic hemodialysis for renal injury

1, hemodialysis: a certain degree of symptoms of poisoning symptoms.
To a certain extent, played a dialysis machine artificial kidney function, which can lower serum creatinine index, so that part of the toxins from your body, relieve patient symptoms. Early uremic hemodialysis patients, positive, proactive and timely.
with the further deterioration of renal function, dialysis is also increasing the frequency until the complete loss of glomerular function, the patient's life will come to an end.
2, less than: relying solely on hemodialysis for renal injury significantly.
Hemodialysis, uremic patients does not mean that will never be peace of mind. After hemodialysis, uremic patients with advanced systemic organ damage will be obvious, serious complications and increased quality of life is poor, survival time is short, the original problem of depleted renal function loss.
It is to improve the quality of life for dialysis to reduce future adverse reactions, give full play to existing renal function and an important part of the key.
Article URL :http://www.tcmkidneydisease.com/faq/800.html



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