Why do a few eggs can supplement protein?

You think you do not eat an egg, then you have to spend hundreds of dollars infusion of human proteins, which do you think right?
Patients which found that daily consumption of protein absorption of several eggs can add up to make up for the loss of protein quality. This infusion of protein than the body is much better, after all, is the natural absorption of the many benefits of the patient's body.
There is no protein, no life. This sentence is because the protein is an important part of the human form, first of all, it has the human virus defense, body repair and other functions.
proteins can also regulate the body's normal physiological functions. Finally, transport function, protein involved in the transport of nutrients in the blood.
So, pay attention here to add protein to remind patients not to overlook this cheap and good quality egg protein nourishing products.
Article URL :http://www.tcmkidneydisease.com/faq/811.html



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