Different methods for diabetic renal damage

1. The early diabetic kidney disease can be mainly to brisk walking, aerobic exercise, exercise after a meal at least once a day, at least half an hour each week at least adhere to five days.
2. Strict control of blood glucose: blood glucose level and the duration and severity of diabetic kidney disease are closely related. By diet and drugs can not control or renal dysfunction at an early use of insulin, or intensive treatment with insulin pump therapy.

3. Effective control of blood pressure: can kidney from rapid failure. Treatment should limit salt intake, weight loss, alcohol and tobacco ban began. Multiple research and clinical display, with angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensinⅡreceptor antagonist, may provide in addition to controlling blood pressure outside the kidney protection.
4. To correct dyslipidemia: elevated blood lipids increase will stimulate the glomerular capsule, the kidney disease worse. Reduce triglycerides and increase high-density lipoprotein cholesterol useful clinical preferred fibrate.
Article URL :http://www.tcmkidneydisease.com/faq/867.html



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