Few steps in Immunotherapy

Finding the Root Cause
Why does kidney disease relapse easily? That is because we don't find the reason of kidney disease. So we should find out the harmful substances which cause damage to kidneys, which kinds of immune complex deposit in the kidneys, then use the proper treatment.
Cleaning the Toxins
After finding out the harmful substances in the body, we should clear them. You know in our body, there are two kinds of immune complex: one is running with blood circulation, the other one is depositing in the kidneys. Our job is to clear up those two kinds of immune complex, because they can cause the inflammatory reaction in our body.
Cleaning the Kidneys
The above steps of treatment only aim at the harmful substances in our blood, and do not has much effect on the harmful substances deposited in kidneys, so when the harmful substances move to kidneys with the blood circulation, they will deposit in kidney, and cause imflammatory reaction.



Normal Conditions of Bubbles in Urine

Take care of the kidneys to comply with the four-point diet advice!

What are the common factors that make kidney disease worse?