Herbs for Kidney Disease

Here are some common Chinese herbs for Kidney Disease for your consideration.
Couch grass
Used medicinally since about 25 AD, couch grass increases urine production and treats urinary tract infections such as cystitis and urethritis. Couch grass relieves and even partially dissolves kidney stones.
Uva ursi
Uva-ursi is one of the best urinary antiseptics. Used extensively in herbal medicine since the 2nd century, uva-ursi is primarily used to help disinfect and astringe the kidneys.
Parsley is an excellent diuretic and as such it is used for edema and urinary stones. It is believed to increase the elimination of waste products like urea, and other acidic metabolites, and thus used for gout and arthritis.
Article URL :http://www.tcmkidneydisease.com/faq/919.html



Normal Conditions of Bubbles in Urine

Take care of the kidneys to comply with the four-point diet advice!

What are the common factors that make kidney disease worse?