Is Tomato Good for patients with Kidney Problem

Patients with diabetes and kidney disease, and she is using insulin for 10 years. Is tomato good to eat with kidney problem?
In clinic, if patients have diabetics kidney disease, patients are more likely to have high blood pressure, swelling and proteinuria++. If uncontrolled effectively, these symptoms will speed up the progression of diabetic kidney disease to a large extent.
Firstly, tomato has the property of lowering high blood pressure, because it is rich in potassium. Potassium is one mineral that can fight against the effect of sodium on affecting blood pressure. Hypertension often occurs with the onset of diabetic kidney disease, and good management of high blood pressure is one important part to treat Diabetic Nephropathy.

Vitamin C is one strong antioxidant that can help protect the remaining kidney functioning tissues from further damage, because it can remove free radicals from the body. This is why kidney disease patients are suggested to add some foods rich in vitamin C into their diet plan.
When kidneys fail to remove extra fluid, waste products and toxins from the body, the inner body system will be disturbed. In this case, harmful substances may catch the chance to attack the body, so patients with Diabetic Nephropathy may be at a high risk of infections. Tomato can just inhibit bacteria from entering into the body and prevent infections. Therefore, these patients can get benefits from this vegetable.
However, this doesn’t mean all kidney patients can eat tomato freely. To determine whether patients can eat tomato, we need to know her potassium level and blood sugar level.



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