The specific TCM for high creatinine

After a period of treatment, creatinine level will gradually decline with the improvement of kidney function.
After all, raised creatinine level results from kidney damage. What we should do is to repair the damaged kidneys and restore kidney function. They can cleanse the polluted blood.

There are many ways to help you lower creatinine level, such as ketosteril. But we should not only aim at lowering creatinine level. 4M treatment (Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Foot Bath, Mai Kang Composition and various medicinal souo) may be a good choice for you.
They can also improve blood circulation. Besides, they can expand blood vessels and remove stasis to increase blood flow into kidneys to improve ischemia and anoxia.
More important, they can decompose the deposited immune complexes to eliminate kidney inflammation.



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