I have ckd v and FSGS

I have ckd v and FSGS
How long have you suffered the disease?
Since 28aug 2015
what treatment you receiving now?
Now I am on dialysis since september 2016
may i know your creatinine level?
and use medicine for blood pressure
after dialysis 8 creatinine
is there any other symptoms?
I have ckd v and FSGS
sometimes bloood ressure high to 180-220 sometimes low from 110-130
urine stops from 3 months
headach and pain in whole body
ok,i have known your condition,can you send me your email id? i will send you the detail treatment to help you reduce condition
lack of calcium
please send me very soon to detail treatment
yes,i will send you as soon as possible
may i knwo your gender and age?
can I ask you a question if you don't mind?
I want to transplant kidney .My brother of age 18 want to donate the kidney. how much expensive the kidney transplant in china?
My age is 24
i will send you a nature treatment
thanks i wait your message with last hope please as soon as possible send me



Normal Conditions of Bubbles in Urine

Take care of the kidneys to comply with the four-point diet advice!

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