May father has 11mm kidney stone. is it possible that it can be treated through medicine?

May father has 11mm kidney stone. is it possible that it can be treated through medicine?
yup. Any other symptoms?Such as protein or blood in urine,headache,lower back pain,swelling,nausea,vomiting,inappetence?
before he got blood in urine. he also has gout.
ok, got it
he has gall bladder stone also :(
i can send u the diet and treatment information about his condition first,
yes, sure
thank you
May i know his age? i need take a note.
is it true, having gout is a big factor of contributing kidney stone?
my father is now 65
May father has 11mm kidney stone. is it possible that it can be treated through medicine?
and we are worrying so much since he is now senior
another problem is that his left kidney walls are now thin as as result in ultrasound
we went to a urologist and he advice us to have my father a ct stonography
ok,got it
we don’t have any idea what is that and how is the procedure. but last night i read from internet
sir/doc would you mind if i will ask what country you are. because im in Philippines
This is SHIJIAZHUANG kidney disease hospital in China.
okay thank you
we are in so much worry
ok,i see, we want help him
we want to save his right kidney so that we will not undergo dialysis
later i will contact you
thank you



Normal Conditions of Bubbles in Urine

Take care of the kidneys to comply with the four-point diet advice!

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