My creatinine is 3.5 to 4.4 for the last 6 years...

My creatinine is 3.5 to 4.4 for the last 6 years...
rest all result are fine...
what treatment you receiving now?
I am in very good health...
with the help of yoga...breathing exercise...swimming...etc..
is there any other symptoms? such as swelling,back pain,protein urine
earlier face swelling was there...and wait was increased...
do you have diabetic and hypertension?
now back to normal...because of yoga and breathing .
no diabetic...and BP
how about your urine volume?
My creatinine is 3.5 to 4.4 for the last 6 years...
In BP is 110/70 most of the time..
urine volume is very good...
I drink 2.5 to 3 lit of water every day..
actually, our body is build with great healing power...
it will self heal automatically, if we follow certain things to help our body...
by taking allopathic medicine..people are making it worst....
This is art of self healing...
may i know your gender and age?
how much cost it will be
this is male and 40
consultation is free
May i know you name..
can we talk now...
ok,I will send you the treatment
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Normal Conditions of Bubbles in Urine

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