My urine protein is 2 and urine glucose is 3

Just wanna check with you my urine protein is 2 and urine glucose is 3 after doing my blood test recently
So, do you have the high blood pressure or diabetes?
Diabetes yes.. my fasting glucose is 14.1 and high blood pressure i do not think so
may i know the creatinine level?
Is 59 umol/L
My urine protein is 2 and urine glucose is 3
Any other symptoms?Such as blood in urine,headache,lower back pain,swelling,nausea,vomiting,inappetence?
No but sometimes i got toe pain and leg pain if i walk far more than 5 km
May i know the patient's age and gender?
Sorry i am 55 years old. i did my blood test on March 5 2017.
Can you translate or advise or give some info on the urine protein and glucose they are read as 2 and 3 respectively?
Thanks again
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