what are the symptoms of kidney disease

what are the symptoms of kidney disease
who is the patient?
do you have disease history? like high blood pressure or diabetes
Any other symptoms?Such as protein or blood in urine,headache,lower back pain,swelling,nausea,vomiting,inappetence?
no...but sometimes i feel lower back pain in left side
what are the symptoms of kidney disease
ok, got it
i can send u the diet and treatment information about lower back pain first,
May i know your age and gender? i need take a note.
Age:25 years Gender:Male
please recheck your contact information, we will send you and contact you within 24 hours and the area code is 0086



Normal Conditions of Bubbles in Urine

Take care of the kidneys to comply with the four-point diet advice!

What are the common factors that make kidney disease worse?