what are the symptoms of kidney disease

Natural Treatment to lower creatinine 2.5 with CKD
Creatinine level 2.5 may seems not as severe as 5.0+, but some patients are still required to hospitalized to take treatment

It is because that chronic kidney diseases in early stage has no symptoms due to the high compensation function that can eliminate toxins in body. we should know that only when kidney function is less than 50% can it cause the increase of creatinine level.
In TCM, it thinks that the toxins in five internal organs are the root causes of all diseases. So, treating chronic kidney disease should be sooner rather than later. Creatinine level in 2.5 is worth to treat.
Natural Treatment to lower creatinine 2.5 with CKD

But with the development of the kidney disease, the decrease of kidney function will cause toxins which can not be entirely discharged osmosis into blood then transported into other organs and cause damage and symptoms.
Our hospital creates a treatment to eliminate toxins from body and repair the damaged kidney cells. Toxin-Removing Therapy has helping many patients with chronic kidney disease get rid of kidney disease.For patients with creatinine level 2.5, it may help reduce to normal.



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Take care of the kidneys to comply with the four-point diet advice!

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