I have done dialysis but no much effects. Please help me

I have done dialysis but no much effects. Please help me
How many times does the patient suffer dialysis per week? and how long has the patient undered dialysis by now?
Please help me. He did it once last year
And three time within last month
ok, i know. we can give u some daily diet, nursing and treatments about dialysis patients, which can help patients stable their now condition, hope this can help and improve the renal function.
The urea is 143mg/dl
ok, got it
do u have email address, whatsapp or facebook, we give u the diet, nursing and treatment by message now.
And the creatinine is 14.1mg / dl
ok, got it
I have done dialysis but no much effects. Please help me
do u have email address, whatsapp or facebook, we give u the diet, nursing and treatment by message now.
ok, may i know ur name and age? we need take a note
ok, may i know ur name and age? we need take a note
38 years
ok,can u confirm ur contact ways again? later we will contact with u by these contact ways.
Thanks a lot
later there will be doctor contact with u within 24 hours by your contact ways, please notice and check.
Looking forward for your help
Thanks a lot
TAG:I have done dialysis but no much effects. Please help me
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