I have stones in the kidney, of about 2 mm and 1.5mm, besides one of about 6.5 in the tract between

I have stones in the kidney, of about 2 mm and 1.5mm, besides one of about 6.5 in the tract between the kidneys and the bladder
It is 1.0 before I went through chromatic ecography
so,do u have the high blood pressure or diabetes?
The fact is that they have told me tthat I have stones in the kidney, of about 2 mm and 1.5mm, besides one of about 6.5 in the tract between the kidneys and the bladder...
I have no high pressure or diabetis..
I have stones in the kidney, of about 2 mm and 1.5mm, besides one of about 6.5 in the tract between the kidneys and the bladder
ok, i know. i can give u some daily diet and treatments aboutur condition, whcih can help patients stable their now condition. hope this can help u.
Thank y ou very much, but they told me that I would have terrible pains and that I need litrotice (litotricia in Spanish)
ok,do u have email address, whatsapp number or facebook, i give u the diet information and treatment information by message now.
But, I have been with this diagnosis for about a year... And, well I don't know if I should undergo the procedure...
Thank you very much
May I know your full name,gender and age?i need take a note
58 years old, and male...
ok, do u mind giving me ur phone(whatsapp), if need, we can call u, which is more convenient for we contact
TAG:I have stones in the kidney, of about 2 mm and 1.5mm, besides one of about 6.5 i
If you would like more information, please contact us.



Normal Conditions of Bubbles in Urine

Take care of the kidneys to comply with the four-point diet advice!

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