i think i may have kidney problems with symtoms that i have like stomach and back ace, frequent urin

i think i may have kidney problems with symtoms that i have like stomach and back ace, frequent urination,sweating, back iching, soul taste in mouth sometimes...
Any other symptoms?Such as swelling,nausea,vomiting,inappetence?
vomiting sensation is there but it does not come and heavyness or fullness in stomech is there and feel like sleeping in odd times..
so,do u have the high blood pressure or diabetes?
i have not checked it but i dont think so i have my age is 25
ok, i know. i can give u some daily diet first, whcih can help patients protect their kidney and far away from kidney disease. hope this can help u.
i have pain in left side of stomach , lower abdomen and back pain as usual...
ok,do u have email address, whatsapp number or facebook, i give u the diet information and treatment information by message now.
so it might be something eles the pain in lower back and abdomen...
they also have these symptoms
so u need take a test to diagnosis
can you tell what eles could it be because i am urinating every 5 to 10 minutes and have the pain and all pother things
all other things that i said
ok, later there will be doctor contact with u within 24 hours by these contact ways, please notice and check.
what should i check and notice
ur email and answer the whatspp
can we live with kidney disease without dayalisis..
i think i may have kidney problems with symtoms that i have like stomach and back ace, frequent urination,sweating, back iching, soul taste in mouth sometimes...
our area code is 0086
can we live with kidney disease without dayalisis
yes,but if the condition is very bad,u must dialysis
how can i know my contition is good or bad..
may i know the creatinine level?
how to check that..
u should get urine test and blood test
i will have one ...
till then what can i do to redue the pain and chances of kidney diseases...
care ur diet
i will send u within 24 hours
k but you would say its mostly not a kidney disease right...
thanks because i was very much worried with these symptoms and another one is loss of memory or confussion like i am in some other world so you are sure that it necessarily need not be kidney problem or failure ..???
i am not sure,u should get test to diagnosis
like this last one makes it only to kidney problem??
no,there are many reasons of that symptoms
thanks ...
what could be other possibilities for all these symptoms ???
it maybe kidney disease
now you said it may not be and now you say kidney disease???
u need take test,i can't be sure of it
Article URL : http://www.kidneydoctors.org/patients-visitor/faq/3353.html



Normal Conditions of Bubbles in Urine

Take care of the kidneys to comply with the four-point diet advice!

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