if my creatinine level is 2.5 or 3 mg is it dangerous. my feet get swollen

if my creatinine level is 2.5 or 3 mg is it dangerous. my feet get swollen
when I sit in the office for 3 or 4 hours
ok, may i know ur age and gender? how long do u suffer high creatinine?
my age is 58 and I am male
since 2 years
ok, i know. we can give u some daily diet, nursing and treatments about high creatinine level, which can help patients stable their now condition, hope this can help and improve the renal function.
thanks I am grateful
if my creatinine level is 2.5 or 3 mg is it dangerous. my feet get swollen
ok, do u have email address, whatsapp or facebook, we give u the diet, nursing and treatment by message now.
what is the dangerous level?
the normal is 0.8-1.5
from ur creatinine, u stay in CKD 3
okay what is CKD 3
ckd is chronic kidney disease
do u have email address, whatsapp or facebook, we give u the diet, nursing and treatment by message now.
OK,this is doctor lily, may i know ur name, we need take a note.
I will get back again lots of thanks
nice to meet u here
do u mind giving us your phone(whatsapp), if need, we can call u, which is more convenient for we contact
TAG:if my creatinine level is 2.5 or 3 mg is it dangerous. my feet get swollen

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