im suffering from protein in urine with Iga nephropathy and diabetic, HBP

im suffering from protein in urine with Iga nephropathy
do you have any other uncomfortable symptoms?
Iga nephropathy
howlong have u suffered?
im diabitic bp
one year
ok, i know. i can give u some daily diet and treatments about ur condition, whcih can help patients stable their now condition. hope this can help u.
ok,do u have email address, whatsapp number or facebook, i give u the diet information and treatment information by message now.
which kind of treatment ur prescribing for me
we can give u some ways about ur disease
im suffering from protein in urine with Iga nephropathy and diabetic, HBP
u can choose from these ways
traditional chinese medicine
Im from India
ok,i see,do u use email?i can send u
ya sure
have u dialysis?
I'm suffering from Iga nephropathy fsgs protein in urine
ok,i see. do u mind giving me ur phone(whatsapp), if need, we can call u, which is more convenient for we contact
you can send by mail
at present Im using allopathic medicines
ok,i see.May i know ur full name,age and gender?i need take a note
ok, later there will be doctor contact with u within 24 hours by these contact ways, please notice and check.
ok thanks
TAG:im suffering from protein in urine with Iga nephropathy and diabetic, HBP

If you would like more information, please contact us.



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