is renal failure curable?

is renal failure curable?
it depends
may i know the creatinine level?
i mean acute renal failure
if get timely treatment it can be reversed
i don't really know
Any other symptoms?Such as swelling,nausea,vomiting,inappetence?
ok, i know. i can give u some daily diet and treatments about ur condition, whcih can help patients stable their now condition. hope this can help u.
is renal failure curable?
ok,do u have email address, whatsapp number or facebook, i give u the diet information and treatment information by message now.
May I know your full name,gender and age?i need take a note
am not the one with the condition, is actually my sister in-law
what are the causes
later i will send u by email
TAG:is renal failure curable?

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