May i know the sign and symptoms? And soemtimes I have bad taste in my mouth.

May i know the sign and symptoms? And soemtimes I have bad taste in my mouth.
May i know the sign and symptoms?
Do you have any problems about kidney disease?
may i know who is the patient?
may i know the creatinine level?
May i know the sign and symptoms? And soemtimes I have bad taste in my mouth.
but sometimes i have a bad taste in my mouth
may i know the normal creatinine level in ur local hospital?
so,do u have the high blood pressure or diabetes?
Any other symptoms?Such as swelling,nausea,vomiting,inappetence?
sometimes pain in my legs
ok, i know. i can give u some daily diet first, whcih can help patients protect their kidney and far away from kidney disease. hope this can help u.
ok thank you
TAG:May i know the sign and symptoms? And soemtimes I have bad taste in my mouth.
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