my cousin has a uterolithiasis and undergo uteroscopy she had the drainage called the PCN with her f

my cousin has a uterolithiasis and undergo uteroscopy she had the drainage called the PCN with her folley catheter at home
and advice to visit weekly at hospital bec his left kidney started to become swollen i and hemodialysis done to her i just want to ask her drainage is a big problem to them because the doctor told them that the pcn or nt tube will not remove and the folley catheter , until she can empty her bladder well, she also hAD TAHBSO 2016 BEC OF UTERINE CYST , so my concern is... 1. bec she is my cousin and i have also a uterine cyst and scheduled to tahbso , is it possible that i will have also the uuterolithiasis? is the pain reliver also a cause of uterolithiasis? cause the nurse told that also , i have lots of queries
may i know the creatinine level?
yes 6.8
ok, i know. i can give u some daily diet and treatments about high creatinine level, whcih can help patients stable their now condition. hope this can help u.
what about her catheter..always has infection they dont want to remove it it is the cause of complicated uti as they called
is the tahbso is the cause of uterilitiasis
ok,i see,do u have email address, whatsapp number or facebook, i give u the diet information and treatment information by message now.
yes thank you
so,does the patient have the high blood pressure or diabetes?
my cousin has a uterolithiasis and undergo uteroscopy she had the drainage called the PCN with her folley catheter at home
May I know her full name,gender and age?i need take a note
ok her name is Anne Dimpas 50 yo female
ok, do u mind giving me ur phone(whatsapp), if need, we can call u, which is more convenient for we contact
ok il check her no bec she still at hospital rigth now
has she dialysis?
she is not using a phone now can i give the no of her daughter
how long has she dialysis?
since may
ok.may i know her daughter number?
the kidneys are ok bec of the blockage in the ureter the creatine start to peak and the hemodialysis starts to her for a while then the nephro drainage done to her and foley catheter and send her home and weekly check up done to her it started nov 2016 diagnose her dialysis since december then may did her procedure uterocystoscopy they said that the drainange will need so she will not having a dialysis anymore if the ureter get heals bec they just remove
ok, later there will be doctor contact with u within 24 hours by these contact ways, please notice and check.
TAG:my cousin has a uterolithiasis and undergo uteroscopy she had the drainage calle
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