renal biopsy shows diffuse prolepharetive membranous

renal biopsy shows diffuse prolepharetive membranous gn
what treatment you receving now?
Is there any other symptoms?Such as lower back pain,swelling,nausea, protein in urine?
also take frusemide,high protien in urine,weight loss,hiccup
may i know your creatinine level?
Do u have the high blood pressure or diabetes?
diabetes for 25 yrs
did you controled it well?
renal biopsy shows diffuse prolepharetive membranous gn
always controled
how about your urine volume?
about 1200ml/24hr
ok,i have known your condiiton,can you send me your email id? i will send you the detail treatment to help you improve renal function
may i know your gender,name and age?
male, 72yrs.may i transplant kidney
ok,i will send you
thank you.
pls,introduce yourself
am from china
ok,doctor good bye
TAG:renal biopsy shows diffuse prolepharetive membranous gn
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Normal Conditions of Bubbles in Urine

Take care of the kidneys to comply with the four-point diet advice!

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