A series of nephropathy caused by high uric acid

In addition to high blood lipid, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and high uric acid, there are many complications caused by high uric acid.
1. Chronic kidney disease, such as nephritis
High uric acid can produce uric acid crystallization, which can damage the renal tubule, further leading to chronic nephritis, and which may even progress to uremia.
Clinically, about 15 percent of patients with high uric acid can cause chronic kidney disease, and gout has a nearly 90 percent chance of developing kidney disease.
A series of nephropathy caused by high uric acid
2. The occurrence of diabetes
High uric acid is typically associated with three high levels of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, while 20 to 50 percent of patients with high uric acid can cause diabetes.
3, Gout
In the early stage of gout patients have all appeared uric acid. With the long-term presence of uric acid, the crystallization of uric acid is deposited in the joint cavity, resulting in gout arthritis.
4. Induced myocardial infarction
High uric acid can cause or worsen atherosclerosis, which can lead to cardiovascular disease. High uric acid can increase the incidence of heart attacks by 25 percent, according to the data.
Article URL:http://www.kidneyhospital.org/faq/2996.html



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