Can patients with nephrotic syndrome take vitamins?

Patients with nephrotic syndrome due to long-term hypoalbuminemia, cause malnutrition, muscle atrophy, vitamin D deficiency and secondary calcium phosphate metabolic disorders, such as secondary hyperparathyroidism condition. Therefore, patients should pay attention to vitamin D and calcium supplements. Can patients with nephrotic syndrome take vitamins?
Can patients with nephrotic syndrome take vitamins?
Vitamin C can enhance the body's resistance to infectious diseases, which has a great effect on the human body, but the kidney is not suitable for the kidney function. This is because the excess vitamin C in the body can be excreted in the urine with the urine, and the large amount of vitamin C can aggravate the burden of the kidneys and weaken the kidneys.
For people with nephrotic syndrome, hormones are used to absorb vitamin D and calcium, due to the use of hormones. Therefore, the deficiency of vitamin D and calcium in the body can lead to some symptoms of calcium deficiency, which can lead to osteoporosis. So people with nephrotic syndrome can add some vitamin D and calcium, but don't use vitamin c.
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