Excess weight leads to the occurrence of diabetic nephropathy

In recent days, a study has found a positive correlation between the weight of diabetics and the incidence of chronic kidney disease.
About 35 percent of adults in the United States have diabetes and some degree of kidney disease, and diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure.
Weight-loss programs do improve kidney disease in people with diabetes.
Excess weight leads to the occurrence of diabetic nephropathy
Therefore, patients with diabetic nephropathy should try not to overburden the body if possible.
1, the blood sugar of diabetic nephropathy is higher, so try to eat less food which can elevate blood sugar foods, such as white sugar, brown sugar, sugar candy, glucose, maltose, honey, chocolate, canned fruit, soft drinks, ice cream and sugar cake, etc.
2. Less food is easy to raise blood fat, such as butter, cream, fat and so on.
3. Do not drink alcohol. Because the alcohol contained in alcohol contains no other nutrients and can cause the rise of triglyceride in serum triglyceride.

Article by : Treatment of kidney failure
Article URL :http://www.tcmkidneydisease.com/faq/1244.html



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