Pistachio can warm and nourish the kidneys and spleen, supplement the deficiency of kidneys.

Pistachio has a warm nature, rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, has low fat, low calorie, high fiber. Pistachio is a tonic, which can warm and nourish the kidneys and spleen, supplement the deficiency of kidneys.
High in arginine, it not only reduces the occurrence of atherosclerosis, but also helps reduce blood lipid and lower cholesterol.
Pistachio can warm and nourish the kidneys and spleen, supplement the deficiency of kidneys.
Eating 49 or so each day helps control weight. Because it usually takes 20 minutes to eat, and the pistachio can help reduce the amount of food you eat and control your weight by extending the time you eat through the shell.
Pistachio nuts contain components such as vitamin E, which have anti-aging effects and can strengthen the body. Because the pistachio fruit is rich in oil, it has the function of moisting the intestine and helps to detoxify the body.
But there are some food taboos
It is suitable for most people, but people with high blood fat, or obese people should not eat more. It is not advisable to eat the pistachios for too long. The green kernel is more fresh than yellow ones, those storage for long time should not be eaten.



Normal Conditions of Bubbles in Urine

Take care of the kidneys to comply with the four-point diet advice!

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