Playing competitive game induce the kidney disease to uremia

Here came a middle school students, suffering IgA nephrothy. He received treatment last month ARB+ traditional Chinese medicine and the protein was transferred to Yin, but did not know why the urine protein increased again.
There is no such thing as a cold, but playing games. This kind of game causes the sympathetic nerve to be highly excited, the angiotensin secretion increases, causes the blood pressure short time to fluctuate greatly, the condition is repeated.
Playing competitive game induce the kidney disease to uremia
After not playing, the urine protein was reduced to about 0.2 g.
Playing games can not only activate RASS (aldosterone renin - angiotensin) system, elevated blood pressure after the failure will also has the bad feelings such as depression, anxiety, influence indices such as urine, urine protein, blood cholesterol, add nephropathy.
Competitive games can have a bad effect on kidney disease regardless of the outcome.In the long run, kidney disease will develop into uremia.
Playing hyperactive video games can be a new risk factor for kidney disease.



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