The methods to avoid Complications of Diabetes

Diabetic patients should pay attention to the occurrence of diabetic nephropathy. With the increase in the number of people with diabetes, diabetic nephropathy has become the second cause of end-stage renal disease (Uremia), only second to nephritis.
In order to avoid kidney damage, besides controlling blood sugar, keep the following three things in mind:
The methods to avoid Complications of Diabetes
Limit protein intake. Reducing the burden of the kidneys also reduces the accumulation of toxins. Avoid further damage to kidney function. It is recommended that the daily protein intake of diabetic nephropathy should be 0.6g/kg.
Have a low protein diet, the heat cannot be reduced. Foods such as potatoes, lotus root powder, fans, taro, potato, yam, pumpkin, etc., make the total quantity of the meal to the standard range.
Reduce your fat and salt intake. Reducing fat intake can decrease the fat metabolism disorder in patients; Limiting salt can effectively prevent complications such as High blood pressure.



Normal Conditions of Bubbles in Urine

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