The proteinuria is always used to judge the degree of nephropthy

1. When the proteinuria has only one +, there is foam in the urine.
At this time, in fact the patient's condition is not very serious, it can use oral Chinese medicine to treat albuminuria.
2. When the proteinuria 2+ is reached, a large amount of foam and white sediment will appear. Kidney damage is also increasing.
The proteinuria is always used to judge the degree of nephropthy
Many people use western medicine, such as ACEL and ARB, which have the effect of reducing proteinuria, but the treatment with western medicine can only make the symptoms invisible, the symptoms still exist.
3. When the proteinuria reaches 3 +, a flocculent sediment will appear in the urine
At this point, the kidney of the patient with nephropathy has had serious damage, and the renal function has decreased.
Our hospital mainly adopts Chinese medicine, with western medicine auxiliary, adopt our hospital characteristic seven plus one treatment, which have successfully cured many patients, and have very good treatment effect.



Normal Conditions of Bubbles in Urine

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