What are the high-phosphorus diets?

The followings are the high phosphorus foods contained in people’s daily diet:
Mushroom, laver and seaweed; Green beans and millet;
Fish and shrimp, eel and innards; Brown rice, rough flour and milk powder
Nut, grape chocolate; Soda and tea
All the above are forbidden to people with kidney disease, or to eat less!
While these foods are high in phosphorus, our doctors have a solution to reduce the phosphorus content in our daily diet:
What are the high-phosphorus diets?
First of all, if kidney disease patients are easy to suffer hyperphosphatemia if always eating millet congee, not very good control, change the millet to rice porridge will be much better;
Second, although soybeans contain high phosphorus, soybean can be made into tofu, because 100g tofu contains 90mg of phosphorus, and 100ml soybean milk contains 30mg of phosphorus. So tofu and soy milk are much better than the direct taking.
Milk powder contains more phosphorus, but milk is relatively low phosphorus, can be replaced with milk.
In addition, the food contains both high potassium and phosphorus:
Mushroom, seaweed and kelp, beans and millet
Green tea and chocolate, grape, dried mushroom and ketchup



Normal Conditions of Bubbles in Urine

Take care of the kidneys to comply with the four-point diet advice!

What are the common factors that make kidney disease worse?