Five conditions can easily induce uremia

Early uremia is difficult to detect and only regular urine tests can detect the symptoms of kidney disease. There are five conditions which can easily induce uremia:
1. 15% of patients with high blood pressure will turn directly to uremia
According to statistics, patients with hypertension account for 10% of the total population of China, and 1.5 of these patients may be patients with uremia.
2. 30 percent of patients with diabetes are directly reclassified as uremia
High blood sugar is a typical symptom of diabetes and is an important cause of diabetic nephropathy. Long periods of high blood sugar, kidney tissue proteins and glucose molecules interact and eventually form proteinuria++.
Five conditions can easily induce uremia
3. Chronic nephritis is the most important factor in the etiology of uremia, accounting for 56%.
4. Urinary tract infection or urinary tract infection
The incidence of urinary tract infections in China was 2.4 percent for women and 0.2 percent for men.
In our country, chronic pyelonephritis is the second factor in uremia, accounting for 21.2%.
5. Drug-induced renal injury
About 25% of patients with renal failure are associated with renal toxicity in the drug.



Normal Conditions of Bubbles in Urine

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