Five things you can do to make yourself healthy

Sleep naturally and sleep well
Reduce active body movement, weaken external stimulation, enhance assimilation and reduce the level of dissimilation.
Defecating regularly
In order to maintain a healthy and long life, the entire system of the whole body has to function properly, and the excretory system is an important measure of health.
The defecation is smooth, indicating that the function of the excretory system is better, which is conducive to maintaining normal metabolism, avoiding the occurrence of diseases such as gastrointestinal dysfunction, endocrine imbalance and liver function decline.
Do not eat to dullness
Five things you can do to make yourself healthy
The food is too full, easy to cause gastrointestinal digestion and absorption disorders, resulting in gastrointestinal diseases and obesity.
Walk fast and steady
Walking fast can improve your metabolism, consume excess fat, decrease bad cholesterol and promote blood circulation.
Watch your diet
People in the Mediterranean region have a high life expectancy, and their daily diet includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, cereals, vegetable oils and fish.



Normal Conditions of Bubbles in Urine

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